Porcelain Primer and Bis-Silane Bottles Enlarge View
Porcelain Primer and Bis-Silane Bottles
  • Bisco Porcelain Primer Bottle
  • BisSilane Part A and Part B Bottle
  • Porcelain Primer and Bis-Silane Bottles

Porcelain Primer/Bis-Silane™

BISCO’s porcelain primers are used to improve bonding between porcelain substrates and resin cements.

Item No:


BISCO’s porcelain primers are silane coupling agents used to improve bonding between porcelain restorations and resin cement. It also protects porcelain restorations from contamination and increases mechanical and chemical bonding of resin to the porcelain.

  • Porcelain Primer
    A single component pre-hydrolyzed no-mix silane primer
  • Bis-Silane™
    A two-part silane coupling agent offering additional shelf-life stability to ensure long lasting effective bonding to porcelain
Porcelain Primer/Bis-Silane™

Features & Benefits

Increased Bond Strength

Increased Bond Strength

Increases bond strengths to all porcelain and glass - ceramic restorations.

Strong Bond to Lithium Disilicate

Strong Bond to Lithium Disilicate

Increases bond strengths to all lithium disilicate (e.max®) restorations.



Can be used with all glass ceramic and porcelain substrates.

Porcelain Restorations

Porcelain Restorations

Ideal for all porcleain restorations.

Single Bottle

Single Bottle

Convenient, single bottle delivery offers ease of dispensing (applies only to Porcelain Primer)


To submit a question regarding BISCO products, please click here.

What is the difference between Bis-Silane and Porcelain Primer?
Porcelain Primer is a single bottle pre-hydrolyzed no-mix silane primer. Bis-Silane is a two-bottle silane primer that requires mixing prior to application so the hydrolyzation of the silane can be achieved. Bis-Silane has a three years shelf life instead of Porcelain Primer that has only two.

Do I need to shake Bis-Silane/Porcelain Primer prior to use?
There is no need to shake the bottles of Bis-Silane and Porcelain Primer, both of them are always homogenous.

Does Bis-Silane/Porcelain Primer affect the final seating of the restoration?
No, both Bis-Silane and Porcelain primer have film thickness of 0-1µm . Also, Bis-Silane and Porcelain primer do not need to be light-cured.

What is the self-life of Bis-Silane/Porcelain Primer?
Bis-Silane: 3 years.  Porcelain Primer: 2 years.

Do I need to refrigerate Bis-Silane/Porcelain Primer prior to use?
No, both Bis-Silane and Porcelain Primer may be stored at room temperature.

Do I have to light-cure Porcelain Primer/Bis- Silane after application?
No. After applying Porcelain Primer or Bis-Silane to the restoration, allow it to dwell for at least 30 seconds and dry with warm air syringe.



BISCO Bite: One Bottle vs Two Bottle Silane


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